Explaining how evolution of
individual cells into complex species is contrary to scientific laws.
Brief Introduction to the
Theory of Evolution
Following the evolutionary
theory, all living species derive from one common ancestor in the
form of an independent single cell. This in turn descended from amino
acids which had evolved from hydrogen atoms, whereas the hydrogen
atoms had developed from photons.
There were various consecutive
passages between each phase, one being the big bang, another the
transformation of some atoms into others previously inexistent, for
example hydrogen into helium. As a result, human beings would be
descended from single hydrogen atoms and ultimately from null-mass
The theory is presented on the
basis that random evolution came from nothing, or from something
that was before the universe, and that any given period of time –
preferably expressed in billions of years – made it possible.
The result is: null-mass matter
evolved into the universe, and into planet Earth, into mountains,
oceans, the air we breathe, into animals and human beings.
The theory asserts that there
was no Creation.
We would need to ask whether
science can originate from non-intelligent and random evolution; and
also, whether science could evolve into different laws following the
same idea of random evolution starting from nothing.
The Evolution Theory Examined
in the Light of Science
1. Cell Reproduction
How cells divided … and
remained cells.
A single cell is the smallest
unit of organic life. Likewise, a single atom is the smallest unit of
non-organic material, be it solid, fluid or gas.
Iron is non-organic and is
listed in the periodic table of elements. Wood is not, as it is
organic, being a cellular organism. Although organic materials are
not listed on the periodic table of elements, they are each composed
of many atoms. All cells consist of atoms, but being organic they
have a genetic code and reproduce. Atoms cannot evolve into living
cells, but they are part of the cell structure.
Some forms of life consist of
one independent single cell. These are microscopic organisms such as
bacteria. In order to multiply, a single cell replicates its genetic
code to bring about a division into two identical cells, a process
known as mitosis. There is no form of mating between single
cells, no masculine and no feminine.
Other forms of life are made up
of numerous different kinds of cells all forming one complete
organism, for example a person.
The many cells that form a
complex cellular organism interact as part of the one entity. They
multiply following the same rule that there is no masculine or
feminine and no reproductive involvement between cells, except where
particular cells match their genetic code to create a complete new
multicellular organism by way of an embryo, a process known as
meiosis. In this case, however, it is not for the reproduction
of a single cell, or of two cells, but of a multicellular entity,
such as a person.
Every form of organic life has a
genetic code, also called DNA, and this is true as much for a
single cell as for a complex organic entity, be it a tree, an animal
or a person.
Human beings, like all complex
multicellular organisms, have a comprehensive genetic code which is
used to procreate offspring. This will be made up of the same kind of
cells, and will have the same kind of form and characteristics, as
the parents, both male and female, and will be either male or female.
The sexual reproduction cells
within the male and the female, for example of humans, do not follow
mitosis to duplicate into identical copies in the reproduction
process, because these cells are not procreating themselves,
but the human being.
To do this they follow the process of meiosis, whereby the parental
DNA is reduced to half, and the two halves of the father and the
mother match to form one embryo that inherits a combination of
paternal and maternal DNA.
As we can see, reproduction of
single cells is one thing, reproduction of complex multicellular
organisms such as humans is something else, hence the difference
between mitosis and meiosis.
As procreation through meiosis
is only possible between members of the same species, in the case of
humans the child will have genes originating from each parent. Genes
from some form of preexisting ape species are not present in humans,
which however would have been the case if humans descended from apes.
One Single Cell Transforming into a New Species
Give a microscopic cell a
billion years, and you may have one hundred billion microscopic
cells, but not one horse.
A single-cell organism, one that
divides into identical cells in order to multiply, could not have
evolved into a complex organism comprising numerous different kinds
of cells, such as a horse.
Cells can adapt within
limits, remaining single entities, but they would not evolve
into a horse, as this would be a single-cell horse that multiplies
itself through binary division into two identical horses. Being a
multicellular creature, a horse quite evidently did not evolve from a
single cell, no matter now many millions of years or imaginary
proto-species were to be thrown into the calculation.
A passage of evolution from a
single-cell organism that divides into two identical cells, to the
state of mating between a male and female belonging to a complex
multicellular species, is impossible. Once a cell ceased to multiply
through identical replication, without further reproduction it would
eventually die, as its genetic code, or DNA, could not develop a male
and female reproductive system.
Cells – with the exception of
meiosis – continue to form exact
copies of their DNA in order to multiply, even when part of complex
organic life. Once the process of DNA replication and consequent cell
division ends, they die out.
The idea that life evolved from
the mitosis division of singular cells into complex organisms that
procreate through meiosis, contradicts the laws of science.
It would make more sense to
explain cell mutation as an instantaneous process, perhaps expressed
in seconds, minutes or days. A virus can infect a cell and cause a
mutation within it, rapidly spreading to other cells. It may take
days, weeks, months or several years for a contagious virus to infect
large numbers of members of a species.
This form of cell mutation
contradicts the idea of natural selection, as it tends to
deteriorate, not improve, the condition of a species, be it plant,
animal or mankind. The idea that cell mutation takes place over
millions of years, indeed billions, is not a scientific observation,
but the contrary to scientific research.
3. Different Single Cells
Combining into a New Species
Put together in a laboratory
any combination of differing cells, and they will remain distinct.
The lifespan of a cell is
relatively short. It is not long enough for diverse kinds of cell to
combine and form a complex species that develops a pair of eyes, a
nose, a mouth, a brain and reproduces through mating. Not even by
throwing millions of years into the equation. Cells would die out
once they ceased to replicate their DNA to form identical cells.
Body cells can only exist as
part of a multi-cell body, such as, for example, the blood cells. As
they have no function outside the body and could not have previously
existed in any state or condition, they could not have combined with
other cells to from the first body before it came into being. There
were no blood cells prior to the first form of life that required
blood and tissue in order to live.
It is also impossible for a
species to come into existence and then develop its various cells at
a later stage according to their required function, in the same way
as a house did not stand before the bricks that were used to build it
were placed together.
Science can only accept that
individual forms of cell constituting the body of an animal or a
person came to organic life for the first time when the body first
came into being, not having had any possibility to exist otherwise.
The idea that differing singular
cells at any time in the past randomly combined into a new
organic proto-species that developed a distinct metabolism, and also
eyes, nose, mouth, ears and brain, while the original cells
maintained their own former identity, is equally unviable as the idea
that such cells transformed into a new species and lost their
original identity.
Neither theory has scientific
credibility. However, the evolution theory would appear to present
both these options as credible.
All the cells that were united
into each new species were placed there by design, for they could not
have formed a union through any unintelligent scientific
process, nor could they have been developed by the multi-cell
organism after it came into existence, as without these cells
it would never have existed in the first place.
Conclusion: Evolution or
1. An evolutionary
process from identical division (mitosis) to mating
(meiosis) as a form of procreation is scientifically impossible:
a single cell copies its genetic
code that then multiplies into identical cells, whereas multicellular
species procreate through the matching of parental DNA.
2. No cells have ever
combined in order to form a species:
cells serving specific functions
within the body of a person, an animal or a plant, could not have
existed individually outside of a complex organic body. As they could
not have been developed after the body first came into existence (a
body with no cells?), they must have been created at the
same time as the species within which they perform their
3. Cell mutation is more
or less an instantaneous event:
it usually leads to degenerating
consequences that negatively affect a species, and is caused by
viruses. It has nothing to do with natural selection. Cell mutation
is not expressed in very long periods of time, as in millions and
billions of years, but in short periods, as in seconds, hours and
4. Cell adaption does not
bring about the end of a cell, but preserves it:
no cell has ever adapted by
developing into a multicellular species, or by bringing its own
identity to an end in any other way. Cells preserve their identity.
Consequently, so too does a multicellular species.
5. Cell regulation
governs the preservation of the body's health:
cells that do not respond to
regulation signals can cause cancer, which is a form of cell mutation
leading to the body's deterioration.
Cell timespan will determine the length of time a cell may live:
cells are subject to time as an
aging process, but time does not bring about cell mutation. A member
of any species will eventually die, hence, beyond the stage of
biological development, time has, ultimately, a deteriorating effect
on any living body.
Cells do not transmute over
periods of time, but age and die.
Cell interaction is essential for maintaining a species:
the interaction of cells within
a member of a complex multicellular species is vital in assuring its
biological existence. Were cells to act randomly, as is
proposed in the evolutionary theory, the whole organic interaction
would fall apart. Plants, animals, persons would die, all species
would come to an end.
Random evolution and
scientifically researched life on Earth are two opposite things. The
first does not exist, the second does.
Cell evolution is
unknown to science:
are not known to change their functional mode in a way that improves
life within a species. If they function incorrectly, as in cancer, or
are negatively affected, for example by a virus, the body degenerates
to whichever extent; if they function correctly, the body maintains
its ideal performance. Sufficient sleep, exercise, diet, clean fresh
air and the absence of stress have important beneficial effects on
idea that the body can pass from a status of maintaining
its ideal condition – within the limits of health and age – to
actually improving and
changing its
condition, somewhere along the lines of natural selection, is
For example, an ape will not
“improve” its condition by “developing” into a human. A fish
will not develop legs to walk on land, or wings to fly.
cells within a species maintain
life at an ideal standard – as intended for each particular species
– dependent on their correct functionality, which is in correlation
with transformation of energy.
Written by D. Alexander