Saturday, 15 October 2011

Christ's Church Revealed

The Church of our Fair Lady in Dover reveals Christ's Church following the sun.

The Church on the White Cliffs
On the White Cliffs of Dover next to the castle stands the church and lighthouse dedicated to Saint Mary. During the Middle Ages, the Roman light tower became an integral part of the church, and was used as the bell tower.
The church is officially considered to be of Anglo-Saxon construction, but there is strong evidence indicating it was built by the Celtic Britons around the fourth century.

The Secret of Christ's Church Revealed
The church, overlooking the sea, is situated along the East-West line of the sun, and is indicating a road. The sun rises over the sea to the East, and the line to the West passes through Dover. This is the exact position in which the church is situated, overlooking Dover from Eastern Heights.

Following this line westwards, we find that it leads to another church dedicated to Saint Mary, in Dover's town centre. This building too is situated along the same East-West line of the sun. When we follow this line further westwards, it leads to Folkestone Road, in Dover's western area. Walking a short way along Folkestone Road towards the West, we reach the ancient Priory dedicated to Saint Martin and Saint Mary, which is the third holy building with the Virgin's Name along this East-West line.

Exactly opposite this Priory, on the other side of Folkestone Road, there is a residential block of flats called Christ Church Court. On the site where these flats now stand, once stood Christ Church! It was demolished towards the end of the twentieth century, although in perfect condition.

The light tower church of Saint Mary in the Castle, on the White Cliffs of Dover, can be clearly seen from Christ Church Court and the Priory opposite.

The Foundations of Christ's Church
On these foundations of the Church dedicated to Jesus Christ, the House had to be rebuilt. It is of these foundations that the words were said, while the Fair Lady was present in the room: they rebuilt the House following the same plan. The same words were said twice.

Our Fair Lady Britannia, Mother of the British Isles. Lady of the Gospel.

Written by D. Alexander

Dover by the Sea, the Place of Christ's Corner Stone:

Photo 1: The Castle and Church seen from Western Heights, Dover.

Photo 2: The Church and Light Tower, Eastern Heights, Dover.

Photo 3: The Light Tower, Eastern Heights, Dover.

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