British Party is at home in Dover, Kent, and on Celtic Britannia.
Founding Declaration
The founding declaration of British Party is: they rebuilt the house following the same plan. The party is dedicated to communion with the High City and will never renege the Christian Faith.
The British Isles
The founding aspiration of British Party is to achieve Prosperity over the British Isles by recognising the Celestial Monarchy and working for an economic order based on fairness. Prosperity comes from High, and we must work for it, but we cannot prosper without the Faith.
The British Party constitution is founded upon the Easter of Resurrection and the Gospel. The constitution recognises Saint Mark the Evangelist as the successor of Saint Peter, and the written Gospel as binding authority.
The British People are considered Nation of the British Isles, and the British Parliament is considered responsible for administering to the needs and welfare of the British People.
The Christian Faith should be taught in British schools to all children, with no exception.
There is no excuse and no justification for any individual to assume and publicly state that the Christian Faith has no place in British schools. No person has the right to exclude children in British schools from knowledge of the Christian Faith.
Economic Policies: Combined Contract
Britain should strive to be self-sufficient in agricultural products that can be grown on home soil, and ensure that jobs in the field of agriculture, including food processing factories, are assigned to British workers following a combined contract of employment.
Flexibility within such a contract would allow workers who do not have a permanent occupation to alternate between seasonal work on farming estates and short-term factory jobs, and even other spheres of employment. A State fund covering this form of combined contract would guarantee pay to cover holiday, sickness, maternity and redundancy for the workers, relieving private sector employers from these particular expenses. The combined contract would prevent work agencies from taking advantage of cheap foreign labour as a means to cover short-term employment contracts.
Currently in Britain, millions of jobs are given to foreign workers - mainly from Eastern Europe - on a short-term basis, usually through work agencies. Once the contract is finished, these workers can receive job-seekers allowance and housing benefit in the UK, while millions of young British people are practically excluded from any working experience. The costs for the State are unacceptable, contributing to our Country's national debt and economic downfall.
It is up to the State to replace these quick-fix work agencies - many of whom are breaking the Law by way of racial discrimination against British people - with a State-run work agency using the combined contract. In Britain there are a number of rogue work agencies offering to British employers workers only from Eastern Europe. They are breaking the Law that forbids discrimination, but no-one in Central or Local Government cares.
Rogue work agencies offering to UK employers workers from only one Eastern European country in a regimental fashion, workers who are either already present in the UK or who can be flown in from Eastern Europe within 24 hours, are not only breaking the Law, they are also applying racially motivated overtures by implying that British people are incapable of working in their own Country. Although amply tolerated by Central and Local Government, it is illegal even by current standards, as well as being destructive towards the British economy.
Currently in Britain, millions of jobs are given to foreign workers - mainly from Eastern Europe - on a short-term basis, usually through work agencies. Once the contract is finished, these workers can receive job-seekers allowance and housing benefit in the UK, while millions of young British people are practically excluded from any working experience. The costs for the State are unacceptable, contributing to our Country's national debt and economic downfall.
It is up to the State to replace these quick-fix work agencies - many of whom are breaking the Law by way of racial discrimination against British people - with a State-run work agency using the combined contract. In Britain there are a number of rogue work agencies offering to British employers workers only from Eastern Europe. They are breaking the Law that forbids discrimination, but no-one in Central or Local Government cares.
Rogue work agencies offering to UK employers workers from only one Eastern European country in a regimental fashion, workers who are either already present in the UK or who can be flown in from Eastern Europe within 24 hours, are not only breaking the Law, they are also applying racially motivated overtures by implying that British people are incapable of working in their own Country. Although amply tolerated by Central and Local Government, it is illegal even by current standards, as well as being destructive towards the British economy.
Economic Policies: Social Contract
Factories and production sites in general may be owned privately or in a share-holding system, but the owner or share-holding executives may not transfer the production abroad or employ foreign workers in place of British people.
The social contract guarantees that the workers have the right to employment in their own Country within the spheres of production that are available. These productive facilities may not be transferred out of the Country or become inaccessible to British citizens.
The social contract upholds a basic value: the title of private or share-ownership within the Country's economy cannot be to the exclusive benefit of the owners of a productive establishment: in return for the advantages deriving from private or share-ownership, employers must offer available work to the local population.
Economic production should be distributed on a local basis through small factories employing tens or hundreds of people rather than concentrated in very large establishments. Skilled individuals should be allowed to commence their own enterprise, preferably as members of a guild that ensures adherence to quality and fair trade.
Local industry should be protected from unfair competition from abroad, for example when imported manufacture does not comply with moral standards of production or has been obtained through a considerably lower wage than paid in Britain.
Men and women must be paid the same wage for the same work, and a flexible employment policy should allow both part time and full time employment.
Public Transport: Electric Traction
Britain should place priority in offering public transport using electric traction, with trains and buses designed and built in British factories. The use of diesel engines on public means of transport would be gradually replaced, and fares for trains and buses significantly reduced to encourage people to make use of clean transport.
Public Transport: State Funding
A basic part of the cost of public transport would be supplied monthly from the budget to cover a part of the expenses of service providers, to enable them to maintain low fares for the public.
A transport contribution, or tax, would be calculated according to personal income, so that higher incomes contribute a higher amount.
House Prices
The housing market should be regulated following a policy of commodity prices based on real value. An accommodation would be valued according to all its individual components and their condition. Therefore, the bricks and mortar comprising a property have a set value, as do the windows and doors, staircases, floorboards and the roof. Indeed nothing within the property could be valued above its reasonable market price, including the cost of installation for water, gas and electricity. Every individual component that constitutes the property would add up to the accommodation's full value, or real value, including the land it is situated on.
Increased value of a property owing to location, the surrounding neighbourhood conditions and any other external factors should not exceed a set percentage of the property's real value, for example 10-15%. House prices must not be driven by any other market forces. The housing market must not be subject to speculation.
The valuation of an accommodation for sale would have to be examined and approved by an official and competent office.
Local Economic Administration
Each county would have an economic administration board responsible for promoting and safeguarding the local economy according to nationally approved standards. The central county economic administration board would have an office in each district within the county.
Functions of the board would include ensuring that vacant jobs are offered to local citizens and that under no circumstances priority is given to foreign nationals.
The board would also be responsible for creating new production sites in industry and agriculture whenever demand on the national and international markets would justify such move, and providing there is a need to create work for locally unemployed people.
The administration of new productive sites would be offered to people with skills in the relevant trade, and the centres of production, whether or not they are privately owned, cannot be transferred abroad.
The creation of new production sites through county economic administration boards would further require central coordination at national level, ensuring that agricultural and industrial production is fairly distributed nationwide.
The county economic administration board would also provide training courses to help local citizens find work in the available spheres of economy.
Speculation in the Economy
Britain must work towards an economy free of any kind of speculation. Wherever speculation is a driving force in economic planning, it will lead to injustice. The fruit of honest labour paid for with a fair salary should be at the basis of the economy, with no space for any kind of easy profit.
Quick profit is usually the result of planned speculation, whereby people's incomes and savings are drawn upon by another entity in an excessive manner, or work is paid for with a low salary.
Britain's economy is presently obsessed with speculation, leading to many forms of injustice, such as evicting hard-working people from their home owing to high mortgages and employing non-British people in factories for the minimum wage, deliberately consigning millions of British citizens to unemployment, as they could not live on the minimum wage, or are not as physically fit as competitors from countries where a much lower minimum wage is the norm.
Private Sector Discrimination Equals Speculation
Private sector employers who speculate on the age, health and ethnic origin of the workers they intend to employ, and work out miserable salary conditions in order to increase their personal profits, are largely responsible for the economic injustice that is consigning millions of people to a future of uncertainty and deprivation in Britain.
Rich people strive to become richer, and those who are very rich know no end to their quest for personal assets. This is basically the result of speculation thriving on hard-working people, driving many into personal financial ruin or unemployment.
Prosperity in Britain
A functional economy offering work and a fair salary to the British People can be the only basis to economic prosperity, the reason for this being that the People are a part of the Country. A country cannot prosper if a part of its people are excluded from prosperity. As this ideal should apply to all countries, so too to Britain.
Whenever one government is involved in trying to solve all the problems of the world, it will fail, as this is not its task. To be a good example by administering to the needs of the home country and its people is by far better, as it is an example for other countries to follow if they wish. One government has enough to do when administering to the country and people for whom it has been elected.
The Union and Citizens' Rights
Britain's economic prosperity must be based on citizens' rights, and these rights must be guaranteed within the Constitution. The rights of citizens to partake in economic prosperity may not be diminished, and no attempt may ever be made to supplant the British People with another ethnic group.
The constitution must be that of one Nation of the British Isles with four constituent countries, each with their own national identity. The Union of four equal countries would leave open the option for Ireland to be a united constituent country of the British Isles. This is optional, the other option being special and privileged relations between Britain, including Northern Ireland, and Eire.
Members or descendants of one constituent country can live in another constituent country while maintaining their original national identity, and at the same time can be part of the identity of the constituent country they or their parents chose to live in.
A Commonwealth of special relationship between Britain – or a Union of the British Isles – and Canada, Australia and New Zealand, based on reciprocal terms, could offer great benefits to the member states.
Cooperation with other countries should not come about in the form of a commonwealth or a union, but as between different countries and nations.
No foreign parliament could ever dictate laws to the United Kingdom, not even if British delegates are part of such foreign parliament.
British Party: Democracy and Citizens' Rights
Local and National Democracy within a New British Union
Our Nation should enjoy Democracy, with the resident British citizens having the right to take part in debating local issues, putting forward proposals, finding solutions that are satisfying for the common good, and deciding by vote the preferred proposal.
This same form of Democracy should be applied by way of referendum to important national issues proposed in Parliament concerning the Country.
The House of Commons
The elected House of Commons should be the only legislative body in Parliament, while abiding to the concept of a referendum on important issues of national concern. The antiquated House of Lords is out of touch with the concept of modern democracy and constitutes an unnecessary burden of added weight to the present system of centralised big government.
Constitution of Basic Citizens' Rights
The Constitution of basic citizens' rights, once established, could not be changed even through democracy, legislation or referendum. This Constitution has to guarantee the undisputed right of our Nation to Freedom and Independence, and the rights of British citizens to live with dignity and be able to participate in the economy, to be assisted in time of need, and to be instructed in the ways of righteousness.
The Christian Faith is the only Faith that our schools should uphold and impart. Any attempt to prevent the Christian Faith from being made known and cherished within British schools must be combated with the Law.
Our Union Flag that is In High is dedicated to the Christian Faith.
Marriage is Between Man and Woman
British Party accepts marriage as according to the true English tradition, only between man and woman. The Word of God expressed in the Bible reveals that marriage can only be between one man and one woman. This is in the origins of mankind, as God created Adam and Eve to live together and love each other.
The Kentish Faith
The First English Church
Saint Martin's in Canterbury
British Party recognises marriage as being only between one man and one woman. The Christian Faith will prevail, and no law on marriage that is contrary to the Christian value on which the English Church is founded may ever be valid in British Party. No other law will ever change this!
Our Union Flag that is In High is dedicated to the Christian Faith.
Marriage is Between Man and Woman
British Party accepts marriage as according to the true English tradition, only between man and woman. The Word of God expressed in the Bible reveals that marriage can only be between one man and one woman. This is in the origins of mankind, as God created Adam and Eve to live together and love each other.
The Kentish Faith
The origins of the English Church started with a marriage. Prince Ethelbert of Kent married the Frankish Princess Bertha in Canterbury. Prince Ethelbert believed in the religion of the Anglo-Saxons, who called God by the name of Thor. The English word Thursday comes from the name Thor.
Princess Bertha was of the Christian Faith, and believed in Jesus Christ. She carried the Gospel with her over to Kent.
The First English Church
Prince Ethelbert succeeded his father Eormenric to the throne of Kent, whose capital was in Canterbury. King Ethelbert restored an ancient church in Canterbury that had been built by the Britons and dedicated it to Saint Martin of Tours. In this church his consort Queen Bertha worshiped the Lord, and King Ethelbert himself converted to the Faith in Christ. This came about before the arrival of Augustine in Canterbury.
Saint Martin's in Canterbury
The church of Saint Martin in Canterbury is the oldest church dedicated by the English to Christ Son of God. This church is testimony to marriage between man and woman as being the foundation of the English Church.
British Party recognises marriage as being only between one man and one woman. The Christian Faith will prevail, and no law on marriage that is contrary to the Christian value on which the English Church is founded may ever be valid in British Party. No other law will ever change this!
Written by D. Alexander Kent, of Kentish origin.
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