Saturday, 18 October 2014

An Ebola Scenario UK

Did that man have Ebola? He was coughing and sneezing.
He Might Have Contracted Ebola
Let's suppose a large group of Africans walk out of a seaside hotel where they have just been placed after landing on our Shores and claiming asylum.
In our proposed case here, they are angrily complaining that the food is "no good" (it really did happen a few weeks ago in Folkestone just down the road from my home-town in Kent), and then one of them coughs and sneezes just as a person walks past.

Our man here is hit in the face with a myriad of microbes but walks on. Two days later he suffers a headache and detects a sore throat. Fearful he may have been infected, he phones NHS111.

The NHS Conducts Screening of the Patient
The NHS asks a series of pointless questions, such as "was the man who sneezed from an Ebola infected country?" Of-course the potential patient does not know. But he has wife and children at home, he visits his mum and dad occasionally and also communicates with colleagues at work.
He's just terrified he might have Ebola and could infect all and sundry around him, and possibly see his loved ones dying before his eyes.
A SWAT team arrives and takes his blood samples, packs them carefully and sends them on to the laboratory in Porton Down near Salisbury where the UK does all its testing for Ebola. After a further seven hours, when a phone call comes from Salisbury announcing the "all-clear", the man has already died a thousand deaths through sheer anxiety.

This is probably going to happen to hundreds of thousands of people if Ebola enters Britain.
Written by D. Alexander

What will happen when Ebola hits the UK?

Friday, 17 October 2014

The Police in Britain

It's hard to see how the Police can keep track of Islamic State in Britain.
It's hard to see how the Police can keep track of muslim rape gangs exploiting British girls in Britain.
It's hard to see how the Traitor T. Blair can continue being the "peace envoy" to the Middle East instead of sitting in a cell awaiting his sentence.
What about the former Special Branch officers who infiltrated paedophile groups in order to blackmail politicians? Why are these former Special Branch officers not interrogated by the Police and told to reveal all their information to Courts of Justice?

Written by D. Alexander

The Chilcot Report Withheld: why does T. Blair get away with Treason?

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Ebola Is Airborne

Coughing and Sneezing
Going by a recent announcement from the World Health Organisation, the Ebola virus can be spread through the air at short distance through convulsive reactions such as coughing, sneezing and vomiting.
It can also be transmitted indirectly through contact with contaminated surfaces with which an infected person has previously come into contact. This could be anything, from a door handle to a toilet chain, from clothing to a supermarket trolley. Also paper and metal money, cash machines, public transport …. The list could go on and on and on.

Until now, no-one has considered what effect Ebola can have on the sewage system, which could become a mass-carrier of the disease. Spitting and urinating in public areas could also become a means of infection. 

The UK Government Is not Fit for Purpose
An utterly incompetent Government in Britain is wilfully exposing the population of our Country to Ebola, allowing in people from anywhere while knowing that a plague-like virus is rapidly spreading around the world. Contrary to the plague, which has an expiry date, as does the Flu, Ebola does not, which makes it an extremely dangerous virus that is not limited in time. It can go on and on for years and decades, while being transmitted through the air and by direct and indirect contact with infected persons.

UK Borders Open to Ebola
Currently, Britain’s borders are being held wide open to the Ebola disease. The fact that hundreds of medical staff in West Africa have died of the virus while coming into contact with patients, and that a Spanish nurse in Madrid and an American nurse in Texas have both contracted Ebola while treating patients – notwithstanding they were wearing standard protective clothing, does not appear to alert the British authorities to the danger of Ebola.
Once it were to hit Britain and go out of control, our National Health Service, the NHS, could collapse within months.

Men in White Coats
The British Parliament is in need of a reality check, there needs to be a mental sanity check on those who are making the decisions in our Government offices. It is time to sack the British Government and exercise full control over our borders for the greater good of the British People.         

Written by D. Alexander

The Ebola Time Bomb Coming to Britain

British Government Promises Ebola for Christmas

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Ebola May Soon Hit Northern Africa

North Africa at Risk of Ebola
Ebola has spread at an alarming rate within less than one year, passing from one person to tens of thousands of people. The highly contagious virus could soon reach northern Africa owing to migration towards Europe and Britain of large numbers of people seeking asylum. Asylum should be considered here as meaning emigration towards an easy, comfortable life where everything is paid for.  
The first case of the current outbreak of Ebola goes back to December 2013, starting with one person in Guinea in western Africa. Doctors did not diagnose the illness as Ebola, but instead thought it was another locally known virus. It spread to that person's family, and eventually to numerous people in the area around the village.
Only in March 2014 did the authorities discover it was a strand of Ebola.
The number of people who have been infected since then in that region of Africa – an area meanwhile spanning five countries – is thought to be in the tens of thousands, a lot more than the official 7,000. Most of these have died without having been diagnosed.
With an incubation period that can be between 2 and 21 days (this is an assumption that is not 100% proven), it is mathematically certain that sooner or later someone infected with the Ebola virus will turn up in Morocco trying to get to Spain, or in Libya with the intention of reaching southern Italy.
Open Door EU Policies even with Ebola about  
Britain's and - in general - the European Union's open door policy on asylum seekers, with guaranteed stay in a hotel, a council flat and the weekly welfare cheque while the asylum claim is being processed, is exposing Morocco, Libya, and all northern African countries to the Ebola virus.

In order to reach El Dorado and the asylum-seeking paradise, people will travel through these countries that geographically divide their own homelands from the West. When disaster strikes, the populations of northern Africa will not thank the insane Bolshevik leaders of the West once they do have Ebola spreading among them.

Written by D. Alexander

Ebola Is Airborne

The Ebola Time Bomb Coming to Britain

When Is Ebola Going to Hit Britain?

Is the UK Government Trying to Infect Us with Ebola?

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Migrating Birds, Banksy and an Essex Council

Migrating Birds in Essex
So, this is about migrating birds. They are African birds, migrate from Africa to Europe and Britain, work hard to build a nest, lay their eggs, work hard to feed their young, bring them up, and then within the year the whole family returns to Africa.
You could also put the same situation this way: they are actually British and European birds that do all the above, then migrate to Africa to spend winter in the sun, and then return home to make a family life.
Either way, they do not get a free council nest, a welfare cheque and every other benefit from other birds, either In Britain-Europe, or in Africa.
Just imagine the realm of birds was ruled by LibLabCon: the sparrows swamped the swallows' nests, the hard-working swallows worked hard to feed the sparrows, while these sat there and said: CHEAP. 
Yes, it would be very cheap.

Written by D. Alexander

The Ebola Time Bomb Coming to Britain

Probability of 50% that Ebola Hits UK in October 2014
Experts now predict a 50% probability that the Ebola virus will reach Britain during 2014. Following the same prediction model, they calculate a 75% probability of the deadly virus hitting Europe by the end of October 2014.
Here is the link to this latest information as presented on EWN Eyewitness News:

Are the Authorities Lying to Us on Ebola?
Officially, the number of people who have been infected with the Ebola virus has surpassed the 7,000 mark as of beginning of October 2014. However, even six weeks ago, estimates suggested the number of people then infected with Ebola may have reached 12,000. It is not a secret that in western Africa, numerous victims of the disease have remained undiagnosed, and that many of these have since died   

Considering that the infection rate, according to official estimates, has been doubling every 20 days, it could be that already tens of thousands have contracted the Ebola virus. There have been cases of workers who were sent to collect bodies being killed by villagers in west Africa, which leads us to believe that the authorities in some western African countries have no overall view of the spread of the virus, as the health workers are in fear of being attacked and killed.

We may legitimately ask whether the British Government is indulging in giving out considerably lower figures for the epidemic, so as to make us believe that the outbreak is significantly less serious than it actually is. The reason being, that if people knew that the Ebola virus is totally out of control and spreading at an alarming rate in various African countries, the masses would demand an immediate ban on all immigration and on all travel, both legal and illegal, from the African continent.

The Bolshevik Establishment Must Lie to Exist
As is common to an undemocratic, Bolshevik governing establishment, lying to the People is the norm. Scandals are covered up with the same speed and ease as hot-scones are distributed at a fair. And the prospect of us being infected with a deadly virus in the name of a globalist, corporate economic system, is a price they consider well worth paying in return for maintaining their insane grip over the world.

But we may be one hundred percent sure that Ebola will not be allowed to enter Buckingham Palace, or any other palace, castle or estate belonging to the privileged and wealthy who dominate our Country.  

Written by D. Alexander

Ebola Is Airborne

Update: Ebola Has Hit Spain
The virus has been contracted in Spain by a nurse who had been among those treating a patient who later died of Ebola. A report from the BBC:

Update: Ebola Is spreading in Texas
While the USA has initiated screening at airports for passengers arriving from countries where Ebola has been raging, the virus is already spreading in Texas.
A nurse who had used a standard protective outfit to treat a patient with Ebola in a Texas clinic has contracted the virus, notwithstanding the protective gear used by the medical staff. The case is similar to that of a nurse in Spain who contracted the virus while treating an Ebola patient and wearing standard anti-virus protective clothing.

When Is Ebola Going to Hit Britain?

Is the UK Government Trying to Infect Us with Ebola?

Ebola may soon Hit Northern Africa

Friday, 3 October 2014

When Is Ebola Going to Hit Britain?

Ebola May Reach Britain Anytime
Since my previous article on Ebola, the virus has entered the United States of America. It was most likely introduced by a Liberian citizen who knew he had the virus and intentionally gave wrong information in order to embark on an aeroplane to the USA.
The following Sky News article gives a brief account:
We need to ask the question: when is someone going to arrive in Britain infected with the Ebola virus and spread it among us before the infiltration of the virus is detected?

No Border Controls
It is a known fact that heavy goods vehicles enter Britain without undergoing any border control. Also known is that illegal immigrants from Africa and Asia are waiting in their tens of thousands inside France to assail lorries headed for the UK and hide inside a trailer until they reach Britain’s shores.

Once here, they know they will be accommodated in a hotel at State expense from day one and can claim asylum, a process that may take years. They know they will be housed at the State’s expense for all this period, and that a whole legal process involving lawyers paid for by the British State will ensure that they can make an appeal should their asylum request be turned down.

The Government Is Committing Treachery
The UK Government is responsible for betraying the British People on many counts. Their wilful act of exposing Britain to the Ebola virus by knowingly not imposing border controls on every person and every vehicle entering our Country - to the point that thousands of illegal migrants can enter Britain inside lorries that are not subject to any check, goes beyond wilful negligence. It is Treason!

Written by D. Alexander

Ebola Is Airborne

Is the UK Government Trying to Infect Us with Ebola?

The Ebola Time Bomb Coming to Britain:

Ebola may soon Hit Northern Africa