Thursday, 11 June 2015

Britannia Empress of Caesarea by the Sea

Our Fair Lady Britannia inherited the Roman Empire.
Part 2
The Spirit Comes to the Roman Empire
The promise that Jesus made at Capernaum in Galilee after he had spoken with the Roman officer came true. Jesus had indicated a road from the East to the West along which people from many nations will walk to reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is the road leading to the Church where the Sermon is spoken in order to impart the words of Jesus from the Holy Scriptures. He is the Gateway to the Father, and the Spirit from Heaven comes through the preaching of his name. To be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, people from any nation must pass through the Gateway, who is Christ our Saviour.
Matthew 8:11
I assure you that many will come from the east and the west and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Church among the Nations that is open to all peoples of the world (Gentiles) was founded at Caesarea by the Sea in the land of Judea in the time of Saint Peter, who was present on that day.

The Empress of Caesarea by the Sea
The basic rule of the Fair Lady is: one should not believe everything the priests say; people must love the words that the priests speak of Jesus from the Holy Scriptures.
She teaches these words because they are the key to spiritual baptism and are Her perfect summary of how the Church was founded in Caesarea by the Sea.

Let us look at the Fair Lady’s doctrine and be sure to understand its meaning. She is saying that all people within the Church – meaning assembly of those present at the Sermon – must love the words which the Prophets wrote about the future coming of the Saviour and the words which the Evangelists later wrote about the actual advent and work of Jesus, his Sacrifice and his Resurrection.    

She requires therefore that those who speak the Sermon to the gathered assembly speak of our Saviour as he is presented in the Holy Scriptures.
This is essential in order that the Spirit may come.
She does not require that anyone on entering the Church or during the Sermon preach a formula, make a gesture such as a sign of the cross, or perform any symbolic but meaningless practice.

Only by preaching the Word of Jesus can the speaker of the Sermon instil love for our Saviour and thus open the way for the Spirit.
There is no other way of baptism or communion that can bring the Spirit, whether with water or by way of a formula or through a movement of the hand.

Baptism in the Spirit comes through communion with Jesus Christ who is the Gateway to the Father. This is made possible through love for God’s Son as is written of him in the Holy Scriptures. The duty of the speaker at the Sermon is to speak, not perform. Therefore, no ritual may be carried out that is intended to bring about a spiritual presence. The speaker is not in the place of the Father or of the Son and is not the Third Person of the Holy Trinity.
It must not be said: “this is the Spirit which I am giving you”, or “make such and such a sign in order to receive spiritual presence”.

We will see that the Fair Lady’s basic rule: people must love the words that the priests speak of Jesus from the Holy Scriptures, is the perfect key to understanding the Baptism that founded the Church among the Gentiles, meaning people who are not Jews.    

The Baptism of Caesarea by the Sea
A Roman officer named Cornelius was stationed at Caesarea by the Sea in Judea. The town was dedicated to the Roman Emperor and its port offered a natural safe haven for ships.

Cornelius believed in God and offered prayers regularly. The New Testament states that he and all his family were Gentiles, but does not specify whether his faith was influenced by the books of the prophets the Jews believed in or whether he more generally believed in one God of all nations.

One day an angel appeared in the house of Cornelius and declared that God had noted his faith and was ready to answer his prayers. The angel told him to send for a man named Simon Peter who was staying at Joppa (Jaffa) and ask him to come and speak. This is the man we know as the Apostle Peter in the New Testament.
Whatever Simon Peter had to say would be God’s answer to Cornelius
The angel also indicated the location where he could be found.
Acts of the Apostles 10:6
He is a guest in the home of a tanner of leather named Simon, who lives by the sea.

Three men chosen by the Roman officer made their way to Joppa. The following day around noon, as they were approaching the house where they had been sent to, Simon Peter was intent on praying to the Lord.
At that moment he had a vision, in which he saw what he perceived to be unclean creatures being lowered from Heaven in a net.
A Voice spoke unto Peter, who responded that he would not defile himself with that which is considered unclean in the Law of Moses.
But the Voice said:   
Acts of the Apostles 10:15
Do not consider anything unclean that God has declared clean.

As Peter was pondering over the meaning of this, the three men from Caesarea called from the gate asking for Simon Peter. The Spirit spoke again, telling him to descend and go to meet the visitors and accompany them. Peter obeyed, and the messengers told him that they had come from the house of Cornelius who resided at Caesarea by the Sea.
Acts of the Apostles 10:22
An angel of God told him to invite you to his house, so that he could hear what you have to say.

The next day, Peter and the three men set out on the journey to the home of the Roman officer, and with him went also several other followers of Christ from the community of Joppa. When they arrived on the following day at the house of Cornelius, they found he had also invited a number of relatives and close friends, who were now all gathered in order to hear what Peter had to tell them.
Cornelius, after greeting him, said:
Acts of the Apostles 10:33
Now we are all here in the presence of God, waiting to hear anything that the Lord has instructed you to say.

Until this time, only Jews had converted to the Christian Faith, but the people gathered in front of Peter on that day were all Gentiles.
The Apostle Peter did not commence by baptising them with water, nor did he make any movement of the hands that could indicate a sign of the Holy Spirit coming from Heaven. He simply started to talk to them about God’s purpose and the advent of Jesus Son of God.
Acts of the Apostles 10:34-35
I now realise that it is true that God treats everyone on the same basis.
Those who worship him and do what is right are acceptable to him, no matter what people (ethnicity) they belong to.

The Apostle spoke on, proclaiming the mission of Jesus for the Redemption of mankind, his Sacrifice, his Resurrection, and how the prophets of the Old Testament had heralded his coming.
He was still speaking of Jesus when the Spirit from Heaven came of its own accord and settled on the people in the house who were listening.
Acts of the Apostles 10:44
While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit came down on all those who were listening to his message.

This indeed is the basic rule in the Sermon of the Church as upheld by the Fair Lady:
People must love the words which the priests speak of Jesus from the Holy Scriptures.
There are no rituals, no ritualistic phrases, no signs of the hand, and no baptisms in water that can illuminate people. Only the preaching of the Word of the Lord and its acceptance by those listening within the gathered assembly is required in order for the Spirit to come of its own will, in its own time and of its own measure.

Even the Apostle Peter and his companions were astounded to see that these people who hitherto had received no instruction of the Gospel of Christ, and had not studied the prophets who had spoken of his coming, were now accepted by God solely through listening to the Sermon and believing.
Acts of the Apostles 10:45-46
The Jewish believers who had come from Joppa with Peter were amazed that God had poured out his gift of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles also, for they heard them speaking in different languages and praising God’s greatness.

This came about in Caesarea by the Sea in fulfilment of the promise Jesus had made at Capernaum in Galilee concerning the Church among the nations:
Matthew 8:11
I assure you that many will come from the east and the west and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven.

When did the Roman Empire Receive the Baptism in Caesarea?
The Church among all the peoples of the world that was conceived within the Spirit in the imperial port of Caesarea was founded no later than the reign of Claudius, who was emperor until the year 54 AD. This detail is made evident in the Book of Acts, where reference is made after the events of Caesarea to a severe famine that was to take place during the time of Claudius. Of this famine it is written:
Acts of the Apostles 11:28
It came when Claudius was emperor.
We know then that by the year 54 AD, the advent of the Spirit that opened the way for the Church among all nations had already been made manifest at Caesarea.

The Book of Acts further informs us that King Herod Agrippa I started persecuting some of the believers in Christ in a period following the Baptism of Caesarea by the Sea. As King Herod died in the year 44, we can be sure that the Baptism of the Nations came about no later than the year 44 AD.
It corresponded with the period when Britain became a part of the Roman Empire during the reign of the Emperor Claudius in the year 43 AD. 

The institution of the Roman Empire was essential in God’s purpose for the coming of the Church. The Fair Lady Britannia, whose Light Tower Church stands over the Sea, upholds the Sermon as according to the Baptism in the Spirit of Caesarea by the Sea. 
One should not believe everything the priests say.
People must love the words that the priests speak of Jesus from the Holy Scriptures.

Cornelius and his companions received the Spirit from Heaven solely because they listened to what Simon Peter had to say about Jesus and because they believed.

There was no other requirement.

Written by D. Alexander

Part 1

Britannia’s Light Tower Church

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