Tuesday, 30 July 2013

The Scotsman

The Scotsman published an interesting article in July 2013 reporting on various views that claim to the effect that the hereditary principle is an affront to democracy. 

On Celtic Britannia, this statement is as valid for England as it is for Scotland. There is a very strong case as to whether the house of Windsor should be considered the monarchy-family of England or Scotland or any Constituent Country of the United Kingdom.  

Is it fair to suggest that a private family should be the head of State and head of the Government in England, and that a public debate be withheld in England, or anywhere in Britain, on this form of monarchy?

The following is one reason why the concept of monarchy needs revising in England: the house of Windsor claims to be the hereditary head of the Church of England, deriving this title from Henry VIII in the 16th century.
The English Church was founded in the 6th century in the Kingdom of Kent during the reign of King Ethelbert, who converted to the Christian Faith of his Consort Queen Bertha. He also established the first English church in Canterbury by restoring a Celtic chapel dedicated to St. Martin of Tours.
This came about before Augustine arrived from Rome, thus the original English Church was not founded by the Pope or an envoy of his.

A further foundation of the English Church came about in Northumbria during the 7th century, when Celtic missionaries from Ireland and Scotland were invited over by the Northumbrian King Oswald and founded the monastery of Lindisfarne. As in Kent, the Northumbrian Church was not founded by the Pope or a papal envoy.

In England, Canterbury and York are historically the two centres of the English Church, and this is because these two cities were respectively the capital of the kingdoms of Kent and Northumbria.
Both from a spiritual and an academic point of view, Henry VIII cannot be the head of the English Church. The ruthless reign he inflicted on England, which includes stealing from English churches, demolishing priories and selling Church land to wealthy families, and using the proceeds of this colossal theft to fund wars and purchase the allegiance of English earls, cannot indefinitely mislead the English People into believing that he and his descendants are the “head of the Church in England”.

Even a ruthless reign and an unacceptable establishment will eventually be questioned, as in reality the Head of the English Church can only be Jesus Christ.

A public debate in England on the private-family monarchy is due, and this should not be hidden away behind the campaign for independence in Scotland, but should rather be considered an issue of fundamental importance to both Scotland and England.

Written by D. Alexander

Article from the Scotsman on a vote on the monarchy:

Friday, 26 July 2013

Britannia's Son

The English Church Conceived in the Spirit
The Fair Lady Britannia is Mother of the English Church that was conceived in the Spirit in Kent during the sixth century. A Kentish prince by the name of Ethelbert, son of Eormenric, married a Frankish princess, Bertha. Princess Bertha carried the Holy Scriptures over to Kent.

Prince Ethelbert later succeeded his father Eormenric and became king of Kent. He restored a Celtic chapel in Canterbury – dedicated to St. Martin of Tours – to its original ecclesiastic function, and he also converted to the Christian Faith of his wife Queen Bertha.

This is how the English Church was conceived in the Spirit in Canterbury, capital of the Kingdom of Kent. The English Church was conceived through a royal marriage, the Gospel and the dedication of a church to the Faith in Christ.

By the time Augustine came to Kent, the English Church had already been established through the Gospel.

The Prosperous English Church
The English Church can prosper because it is built on its original foundations, which came about through the love of a wife for her husband and the love of a husband for his wife. They were united in the Faith in Christ.

The English Church recognises only Jesus Christ Son of God as its sole Leader and Head, and the Holy Scriptures as its sole Doctrine, and only God Almighty as the Holy Father.

This Church shall never fail.  

Written by D. Alexander

The Origins of the English Church

The English Church

Britain's Celestial Monarchy

Saturday, 13 July 2013

UK Parliament Reneges On Democracy

Democracy in Britain is championed by British Party, which aims to include in a new Constitution the right of local communities to call for a referendum on important local issues.

The British Government, and Parliament in general, do not believe in democracy, they are afraid of democratic values and have broken a promise to give the British people a fair say in our own affairs.

In October 2011, the House of Lords removed the flagship 'local referendum' provision from the Localism Bill which would have allowed communities to launch a referendum on any local issue.

Developers can now go ahead and do as they wish, local Government can do whatever the developers want them to do, enacting the agenda of successive central governments to uproot our farms and woods to accommodate mass immigration and force their EU agenda on us.
They can go ahead inundating our villages, towns and cities with more traffic stemming from more settlements, poisoning the air we breathe with chemical pollution, as whole suburban areas have to be built for millions of people coming over and settling down in Britain.

We have no right to a say in all this, we cannot call for a referendum on any local issue, no matter how important it is and regardless how it may affect the local population. Here is one example: in Dover we do not have the right to object to the population of our town being doubled or trebled through the construction of around 8,000 new homes within the coming twelve years, houses that would be built on farmland and woodland very close to our town, even on a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and, indeed, on a Scheduled Ancient Monument on the White Cliffs overlooking Dover. To no avail the public outcry, the petitions, the local community groups that sprang up to campaign against such massive transformation of our local heritage.

How many communities in Britain must simply look on as developers arrive and bring in the bulldozers, cordoning off farms and landscape for new housing estates, all to accommodate the alarmingly high increase of our population due to mass immigration?
The only chance we had to oppose this was the original localism bill, whereby each community in Britain could have called for a local referendum on an important issue whenever we felt an issue significantly affected us. But the Government, breaking its promise, aborted this right, for they knew we would have put it to good use in our own community interests.

Parliament reneged on our rights to local democracy and now we have no say in our own future. Is it not time the People of our Country associate British Party with true democracy? Let's face it, the Localism Bill was a sad joke, but the cost of breaking a promise that would have meant so much to us all could never be repaid once our natural and national heritage is handed over while we all stand there and just look on.  


Written by D. Alexander

Friday, 12 July 2013

Objection to Dover District Council (DDC) Core Strategy 2013

The following is my representation to the Dover District Council objecting to the DDC core strategy, which I sent on 6th February 2013.
This representation has been received and accepted by the Planning Office as relevant, therefore not rejected.

I object to the DDC core strategy plans to have around 10,000 new homes built in and around Dover (including Whitfield) in the period to 2026, as the number of proposed houses, if built, would generate at least 10,000 more vehicles moving constantly in and out of Dover, in particular Dover town.

Currently Dover suffers under the influence of heavy air pollution stemming from various sources, among which are:
1. The continuous stream of traffic along Barton Road leading into Dover, Frith Road, Maison Dieu Road, Pencester Road, part of Biggin Street in the town centre, Priory Street, London Road (town centre) and Folkestone Road. As well as along Tower Hamlets Road.
2. The port traffic transiting along Townwall Street and Snargate Street.
3. The constant pollution coming from ferries operating at Eastern Docks.
  1. Pollution coming across the Strait of Dover from Europe.
I am of the opinion that no consideration has been given to any proper air assessment in Dover, and that the 2008 DDC core strategy does not even take into account the existing levels of air pollution, let alone the inconvenience that would arise from the traffic ensuing from the building of around 10,000 more homes.
Many of Dover's schools, in fact even all of them, are situated in the immediate vicinity of roads with very high levels of chemical substances deriving from passing traffic.

Furthermore I am of the opinion that DDC has not properly and adequately informed Dover's residents of the very high risk to personal health caused by the high levels of chemical particles present in the air, and that, were the residents to be made aware of these unacceptable levels, the opposition to the core strategy would be far greater than it already has been.

In conclusion, I am of the opinion that DDC has downplayed the combined dangers to personal health caused by air pollution from local through-traffic, port activity and factory pollution from Europe, and that the building of almost 10,000 more homes in the Dover area would generate a significant increase in traffic heading in and out of Dover, which would bring on greater stress and a greater health risk to Dover's residents.

Therefore I ask Dover District Council to review the core strategy and implement a proper public consultation with due reference to health risks deriving both from existing levels of air pollution and from any future increase owing to more road traffic passing into Dover.

Adding to the present outlay of my representation, I further wish to point out that Dover Harbour Board has received permission from the Government to build a new ferry terminal at Western Docks, and that DHB's declared intentions are to build a terminal designed for road traffic, with an envisaged increase in car and lorry traffic of 70% passing through Dover over the coming 25 years.

Although in my representations to the Department for Transport (2010-2012) I have outlined the necessity for this new ferry terminal to be designed for rail traffic on account of Britain's carbon emission laws, there is as yet no indication from the DfT that my proposal has been accepted.

Following is some research data relevant to this representation:
From NHS Choices, April 23rd 2012:
Air pollution from exhaust fumes kills more than twice as many people as road accidents,” The Daily Telegraph has reported. The paper said that around 1,850 people die in traffic accidents annually, but that each year over 5,000 people will die as a result of heart attacks and lung cancer caused by vehicle exhaust fumes.
These estimates are based on a study that modeled the levels of pollution across the UK and predicted its impact on premature deaths. The study combined UK and EU emissions data with models of weather and the ways in which chemicals disperse. This allowed researchers to estimate the impact of pollution across the UK. According to the model, pollution from overall UK combustion emissions causes approximately 13,000 premature deaths a year, with road transport being the biggest source.
A further 6,000 deaths are estimated to be due to European Union emissions produced outside the UK.
The study was carried out by researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The study was published in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.
The research was covered accurately in the newspapers.”

As can be seen from the data provided in the research and published on the NHS Choices website, air pollution in its various forms may account for 19,000 premature deaths every year in the United Kingdom.
As stated in the above points in my representation, Dover is massively exposed to all these factors: exhaust fumes from cars, from lorries and from ferries, and emissions from the European Union produced outside the UK.

Due to Dover's vicinity to the Continent, emissions from Europe are likely to affect Dover significantly more than other areas of Britain.
The building of around 10,000 new homes in the Dover area, or even just of several thousand new homes, combined with the prospect of a new ferry terminal designed to service an increase in road traffic from port activities, would drastically increase the health risk of Dover's residents to unsustainable levels.

Indeed we may assume that residents in Dover town already have a significantly lower life expectancy than residents in the nearby villages owing to our constant and daily exposure to road and port traffic.

In the sincere hope that Dover District Council will uphold my request that the core strategy be re-examined and presented to further Public Consultation on the basis of the points, considerations and research in my representation, I am keeping copy of this representation for any eventual use in future instances of Government involvement in the matter.
Yours sincerely,

D. Alexander

My representation is in response to the following public consultation made public in This Is Kent 02 January 2013:

The Land Allocations Pre-Submission Local Plan identifies and allocates sites suitable for employment, retail and housing. It follows on from the district's Core Strategy blueprint for development until 2026.

The blueprint outlines proposals to build 14,000 homes across the district, with the main concentration at Whitfield, and predictions of creating 6,500 jobs, a population growth of 15,500 and the occupation of 50,000sq m of shopping space.
It also includes proposals for regeneration of the Dover Waterfront, Terminal 2, mid-town, Priory station, Connaught Barracks, Coombe Valley and Aylesham.

Transport, environmental, educational and public utility proposals also form part of the document which was first submitted to the Government for approval in 2008.
The Land Allocations document puts forward some 120 sites in addition to those already earmarked in the Core Strategy.
Sites from Alkham and Capel to Sandwich have been identified as areas where building could take place in the next two decades.

Proposed sites include the Western Heights; Stanhope Road; land between St Richard's Road and Ellens Road in Deal and smaller developments in Staple, Goodnestone and Worth.

Public comments can be made until midnight on February 21. The council will then submit these to the Planning Inspector who will appoint an independent Inspector to oversee an Examination, anticipated to be during summer 2013. The Inspector will recommend changes to the Plan or will reject it. If it is agreed, the council can then adopt it.”

DDC core strategy 2008 and the financial crash: