Sunday, 31 March 2013

Reducing Carbon Emissions in Britain

Britain needs to regulate trade and commerce and employment methods in order to reduce carbon emissions.

Reorganising Britain's Economy
British Party campaigns for regulating trade and commerce in Britain, as well as methods of employment, to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions. This policy requires that agricultural and industrial production should be located as close as possible to the markets it is meant to supply. Road transport from the centres of production to the retail outlets need to be kept as short as possible, so by reducing fuel consumption and carbon emission. Regulation should ensure that there are sufficient small factories and farm estates at district and county level to accommodate the local requirements of the population as far as reasonably possible.

The Tiny Global Village
Currently, almost all textiles and electronics sold in Britain are produced in Asia, and more food is imported to Britain than is produced here. While it is a known fact that almost all electronic inventions came about in Britain, just about everything that functions on electricity is now imported. The same applies for technology in the textile industry, for which Britain is world famous.

It appears that the blueprints of whatever invention comes out of a British research centre are exported lock, stock and barrel to Asia, so that our Country has to import the products stemming from these technological innovations, while our factories have been systematically closed down. In Britain, the manufacture from the Tiny Global Village commonly has the imprint “made in China”, and the unemployment that we receive in return is added to with the cost of fuel consumption to transport the goods from the other end of the globe.

Carbon emissions do not seem an issue in the Tiny Global Village, and climatic change due to chemical combustion appears an irrelevant factor, as does unemployment and, equally, the glaring trade deficit that our Country simply cannot afford. Every day, tens of millions of barrels of crude oil are extracted, and then refined, to be transported thousands of miles in various directions across the world. The immense pollution deriving from the chemical processes that take place in oil refineries and in petrol combustion contribute to the destruction of nature and to the bankruptcy of our economy.

Every year, Britain imports food in the value of tens of billions of pounds, yet much of this could have been produced locally. Our Country is fertile, we have a fair measure of sun and rain, but the Government, both at central and local level, is intent on destroying ever more farm and woodland and using it for building hundreds of thousands of homes to accommodate mass immigration.
In line with the doctrines of the Tiny Global Village, millions of workers from Eastern Europe come and go, finding jobs in Britain that often are offered only to Eastern Europeans, and sending their incomes back home.

Economy out of Control
The British economy has spiraled out of orbit, there is absolutely no regulation on carbon emissions to define how goods may be reasonably transported from production site to retail location, or how far workers should travel from home to work. As the situation stands now, both the simplest and the most sophisticated items are imported from the Far East, as if a cartel had been imposed with the specific intention of destroying both our economy and the world, through economic bankruptcy and through mass pollution by way of carbon combustion.

And people travel all the way from Eastern Europe to Britain to go to work, while millions of British people have to walk, on average, only half a mile once a week to sign on at the job centre, or simply depend on whatever available savings they or their family may have in order to make ends meet.

In a functional economy, one would expect these people to be walking or traveling to work in their own area, rather than workers arriving by plane at the airport and getting farm and factory jobs, while the local people who could have done this work have to sign on.

Regulation on carbon emissions and ecological footprint – from home to workplace to retail outlet – require the restructuring of the British economy, and this is one of British Party's fundamental policies.

Written by D. Alexander

Emergency Response to Food Shortage

Saturday, 30 March 2013

British Party: Britain and the Food Crisis

The steps Britain needs to take to overcome a food crisis before it's too late.

Part 3
Agricultural Assets
In time of economic downturn, a country must assure sufficient supplies of alimentary produce for all its citizens. It is unlikely the British Government has taken such steps, hence the need to require an urgent review of economic strategy and the introduction of tangible community assets guaranteeing sustenance and survival.

British Party proposes the introduction of community farm assets under the supervision of Local Government at district and county level. These farm estates would certainly not be competing with free enterprise farming, but would assure a reserve of agricultural produce, to be stored in safe places and used in time of need to prevent hunger and malnutrition should a food shortage become manifest in Britain.

People should be generally aware by now that paper assets, often considered volatile and founded upon the criteria of speculation, do not offer a guarantee for survival, but rather participate in the financial collapse of an economy, indeed of many economies worldwide.
What would the authorities offer us in time of hunger? Would it be worthless shares? Or Government bonds accounting for £1 trillion of Public Debt? 
Or perhaps hedge funds? How's about printed money? Or maybe a list of all private debts held – and owed – in Britain?
None of this would help anyone, not even if it were bundles of twenty pound notes, once the shelves were to become void of comestibles.

What we need is a reserve of agricultural land where crops are grown, fruit trees are planted and herds of cattle graze, to supplement the existing farms, and assure a sufficient food surplus in hard times. Indeed, anything less than this may be considered the height of insanity within the economy.

Administering Agricultural Assets
Each county in Britain should ensure a sufficient number of vacant plots of land is set aside for community farms where the produce is then processed and stored as an asset. Each of these farm estates would have either fruit orchards, cattle, or vegetable and grain crops. The produce would then be processed and preserved with specific expiry dates.

Preservation of agricultural produce can come about in various ways, often even without the addition of artificial preservatives. Food produce that has been adequately stored in a state of conservation may last months or years, depending on the product and the form of packaging, and on the methods used to conserve it, as well as on the chosen form of ideal storage.

Fresh food may also be grown continually, even in times of floods or drought, by using greenhouses or assuring a constant system of irrigation. Greenhouses can protect a crop from bad weather, including frost, hail and rain, and generally allow for intensive crop production in a relatively limited space. They need to be resistant structures capable of sustaining gale force wind.
Irrigation during dry weather demands a system of water pumps, pipes and sprinklers, and also a secure water source, including a sufficiently stocked reservoir.

So long as a farm estate has access to all the required facilities necessary in order to make it function even in adverse conditions, it will undoubtedly be a valid asset offering sustenance even during a drought, a flood or an economic crisis of other origin. This economic asset will also provide paid employment and experience to local people. Once the estate is up and running, a part of the produce could be used to substitute imports of food from other countries, or even exported, thereby reducing the trade deficit. However, some of it would need to be stored as a local and national reserve, to be made available in time of need.

Written by D. Alexander

Part 1: Emergency Response to Food Shortage, floods and drought

Part 2: Looming Food Shortage in Britain, financial crash

Friday, 29 March 2013

British Party: Looming Food Shortage in Britain

A financial and currency crisis could cause a collapse in world trade.

Part 2
How Trade could Collapse
Having examined in part 1 the effects that floods and drought can have on national and international food markets with potential repercussions for Britain, we need to look at the possibility of a financial crash that would affect trade and the import of alimentary products to the United Kingdom.

In the event of another bailout of one or more banks in Europe or Britain, a decision to print more currency, known as Quantitative Easing, be it in the eurozone or in Britain, could tip the balance and trigger an overnight depreciation of the euro or the pound. As both are major currencies, even if one of these spiraled into uncontrolled devaluation, the snowball effect would likely hit the share markets and cause a worldwide reaction involving all other major currencies, the stock exchange and the trading in bonds and securities.

In Britain alone, Quantitative Easing, which is carried out by the Bank of England with the approval of the Government Treasury, has totaled £375 billion since 2008, and served mainly to alleviate the consequences of the UK banking crash that took place that year. Other countries too printed enormous sums of money in 2008 – and thereafter – in order to prevent their economies going into bankruptcy as a result of bank insolvencies.

So another spate of money-printing to patch up a banking insolvency could certainly tip the balance and cause a major currency to nose-dive overnight into devaluation, bringing down the international stock exchange and all dealings in bonds and derivatives, and causing shares to plummet in value.

However, basic commodities such as metals, oil, gas and food products would not fall in value, only the currencies needed to purchase them. These commodities would become more expensive, as a larger amount of devalued currency would be required to pay for them, or, they would simply become priceless, as paper money and digitally printed money may become too worthless to buy them.

No Gold, no Food
Basically, producers of food products and any other essential commodities could demand payment in a tangible counter-value, such as gold, or even silver, or any other metal for that matter. Or they could demand payment in rice, or in grain, or in other forms of alimentary produce. And because fiat currencies are not gold-based, but are calculated as mere paper value in relation to economic wealth and production, their only value in the Western world is based on debt, the reason being that public and private debt in most Western countries, including Britain, is way, way beyond the value of the annual budget, and even greater than GDP (gross domestic product).

Potentially, Britain could be deprived of the possibility to import agricultural produce, and even internal trading between firms within the Country could be severely compromised, such as between farmers, food processing firms and shops.
Once the financial market were to collapse, the whole economy would be affected, and food rationing would become an urgent necessity.

British Party proposes an urgent agricultural policy to assure food is available in Britain in times of any crisis.

Written by D. Alexander

Part 1: Emergency Response to Food Shortage, floods and drought

Part 3: Britain and the Food Crisis, community farm assets 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

British Party: Emergency Response to Food Shortage

Britain could face a food crisis for multiple reasons, including floods, drought, financial crash, collapse in world trade and military upheaval around the world.

Part 1
Economic Crisis and Hunger in Britain
Currently there is an acute danger that we may experience an economic crisis that is far worse then losing one's bank savings, namely: we could find the shelves rapidly emptying of available products that we commonly take for granted.
If this were to happen, even money could become of little significance, as available comestible produce would need to be rationed regardless whether people have the financial means to purchase it. And the prospect of Britain going hungry ought not be underestimated.

Recognising and Avoiding a Food Shortage
Paramount consideration should be given to the prospect of Britain running low on food supplies. For this reason, British Party is continuing to propose enhanced agricultural policies to be introduced and implemented in the United Kingdom.
In order to avoid a shortage in food, we need to consider the various potential causes that could bring about the collapse in supplies reaching shops and supermarkets.

Britain's agricultural supplies are both homegrown and imported, so we should be looking at the impact of drought and flood both at home and abroad.
In 2012, the USA was badly hit by a crippling drought that destroyed a high proportion of crops in America, while in the same year, Britain was hit by a spate of floods that seriously damaged local crops. In this same period, China and India also experienced significant floods and consequently lost out on agricultural production.

So we know that crops can be seriously affected by drought and floods in different parts of the world at the same time, and now we need to determine which options are open to us in order to maintain a secure supply of food in the event of a repetition of this. Indeed, the month of March 2013 has seen British agriculture being severely hit by bad weather, with prolonged snow and frost setting in at the very outbreak of Spring. This is very disturbing news in view of what we experienced in 2012, as it is a continuation of unexpected bad weather directly affecting our food supply.

Once again, we need to urgently address the prospect of running low on produce of the field, hence the need to take urgent steps to assure an abundant, or at least a sufficient, supply of crops. Once we have recognised the danger, there is no excuse for not taking preventive action.

Written by D. Alexander

Part 2: Looming Food Shortage in Britain, financial crash

Part 3: Britain and the Food Crisis, community farm assets

Reducing Carbon Emissions in Britain, reorganising the economy

Friday, 8 March 2013

The English Church

Foundation of the English Church in Canterbury
Through the Gospel, the Church became established in England during the latter half of the sixth century. This came about in the Kingdom of Kent during the reign of King Ethelbert, who converted to the Christian Faith of his consort Queen Bertha.
In the Kentish capital, Canterbury, Ethelbert restored a preexisting chapel dedicated to Saint Martin of Tours, primarily for his consort Bertha in order that she could practice her Faith in Christ. King Ethelbert himself, together with a number of Kentish families, embraced the Faith, and this is how the seat of the English Church became established in Canterbury.

Foundation of the English Church in Northumbria
During the first half of the seventh century, King Oswald of Northumbria called over to his kingdom Celtic missionaries from a monastery on the Isle of Iona in the Hebrides. In answer to Oswald's request, an Irish monk named Aidan founded a monastery on the Northumbrian island of Lindisfarne, and together with his Irish and Scotic companions of the Celtic clergy, established the Christian Faith within the northern English kingdom.

One English Church Built on Christ's Foundations
The English Church cannot be separated from its origins, and so the true Leader of our Church is Jesus Christ. The Gospel and the Holy Scriptures in general are our founding Book of Truth.
Our Church cannot recognise Henry VIII as our founder, nor the house of Windsor as our head. No acclamation from the mass media and no declaration from Parliament can ever force onto our Church a head that is not ours. We will not recognise such a head!
Our Church will remain edified upon Christ's foundations, we will never renege our Faith in Christ our Leader, we will never give up our dedication to God the Almighty Father.

Basic Rules at the Sermon
On entering the Church through the open door, we do not make signs of crucifixion, for Jesus rose from the tomb at Easter.
When the Sermon is spoken, the gathered congregation does not talk one to another, but listens attentively.
We must love the words that the priests speak of Jesus from the Holy Scriptures.
This is our Communion at the Sermon. 

No rituals are performed before, during or after the Sermon. The Christian Faith is not ritualistic, but meaningful.
Any meal that the congregation partakes in must be a proper meal served in dishes at tables in one room, and sanctity must prevail in the hearts of all who partake in the meal.

Church Estates
Each Parish church will be able to have an estate where local members of the Parish can be employed to cultivate produce for the Church. This will be stored in pantries and used free of charge for the Communion meals.
Donations from the faithful can be used to pay the wages of the local workers on these estates.

Don’t Take Sin into the Church
No-one should enter the Church with the assumption they are impersonating Jesus on the Cross. Making signs of crucifixion is to no avail, as Jesus gave himself in Sacrifice to take away the sin of the world. He rose from the tomb and returned to Life Eternal.

Jesus alone can give the remission from sin to a mortal person. No-one can take his place. No-one should enter the Church with desire for sin. Inside the Church, during the Sermon, no-one should question or discuss the Word of Jesus, but listen to what he imparted. People must love the words that the priests speak from Jesus in the Holy Scriptures.

The Church cannot and will not teach or justify anything that is sinful and contrary to the fulfilled Word of God in the Holy Scriptures. Jesus came as our Saviour, he did not come to lead people into perdition.

The Church will teach that which is in the fulfilled Holy Scriptures. Jesus cannot be intimidated into giving in to sinful ways. No law of the State and no intimidation from any human being can prevail over the Church, whose duty it is to make known the Word that our Saviour Jesus Christ taught us.

Written by D. Alexander

The Origins of the English Church (Kent)

Celtic Origins of the English Church (Northumbria)

Photo 1: Canterbury Cathedral

Photo 2: Church of Saint Martin, Canterbury, depicting Queen Bertha and her daughter Princess Ethelburga

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Dover People's Port Trust March 2013

This letter, sent by the Department for Transport February 2013 concerning the “Dover People's Port Trust” (DPPT), has been exclusively published on Celtic Britannia.

The Government’s position on the future of Dover Harbour was set out by the Maritime Minister, Stephen Hammond MP, following his visit to Dover on 30 January 2013 when he said:
Dover Harbour Board has a new chair and I’m pleased to see them tackling the issues at hand. Following the Minister of State’s decision before Christmas not to approve the Dover Harbour Board’s transfer scheme that would have allowed privatisation, it is now for the board to consider all the available options for the long term future of the port’.
This remains the Government’s position.

You asked about the status of Dover People’s Port Trust (DPPT) proposals. As you may know, DPPT submitted an offer to the Government to purchase the port of Dover in November 2010. However, in response the Minister explained to DPPT that the Port of Dover was not an asset that belongs to the Government – it was (and remains) owned and operated by Dover Harbour Board (DHB). The Government was not therefore in a position to consider direct offers for the port. 

Also of course DHB’s own transfer scheme was being considered at that time, which, if it had been approved, would have given DPPT an opportunity to make an offer for the port as part of the sale process. DPPT has not submitted any further offers for the port since November 2010, although they made representations to the Department on DHB’s proposed transfer scheme (as summarised in the annex to the decision letter of 20 December 2012) and have also written on related issues.

Now we see that the “Dover People's Port Trust” (DPPT), which made an offer in November 2010 to the Government to purchase the Port of Dover, was told then that the Government was not even taking this offer into consideration.

Furthermore, the “People's Port” has never made another offer to the Government since November 2010.

And further still, only if the Government had accepted the Dover Harbour Board (DHB) privatisation bid, would the “Dover People's Port Trust” have had an opportunity to make their offer to Dover Harbour Board, along with any other person, group or company that may so have wished to purchase the Port of Dover.

When the Decision Minister rejected the DHB privatisation scheme on 20th December 2012, he wrote, concerning my Port proposal:

"Alternative options"
"One correspondent suggested the creation of a port service toll to fund developments at ports, and to provide funding for the local authorities in which ports were based as well as an income stream for central Government. The levy would be £50 for a heavy goods vehicle with smaller amounts for other types of vehicle.”

At least my proposal was taken into consideration as an alternative option. But that of DPPT, the "People's Port", was never even considered by the Government.

Another of my proposals to the Department for Transport, as presented in my representations on the DHB privatisation scheme, was a rail link to Dover's Western Docks for freight transport.

The Government has not accepted my Port toll proposals for County, District and Town funding. Only British Party campaigns for Prosperity over the British Isles, no other party. British Party shall not fail.

To see the Decision Minister's letter, follow link:

How to finance local communities through port revenues?:
Written by D. Alexander